Do you ever see another woman's outfit and her make up and just want to gush how much you just love her outfit and ask what eyeliner is she using? But of course you then feel kinda like a creepy weirdo so you totally don't. That happened to me yesterday. I was doing some Christmas shopping with my mom and this girl, who worked at the store we were in, had an awesome outfit and her make up was perfect. Her cateye was ... just absolutely perfect, and that is enviable of course because the perfect cateye is every woman's dream, right? She had a grey printed mini dress, hunter green tights, tall black michael kohrs boots (they were beautiful) and a charcoal fitted blazer. The green tights just tied it all together, I need to get my hands on a pair. It was the perfect punch of color. You should get some too, we need them.
Outfit Envy
Do you ever see another woman's outfit and her make up and just want to gush how much you just love her outfit and ask what eyeliner is she using? But of course you then feel kinda like a creepy weirdo so you totally don't. That happened to me yesterday. I was doing some Christmas shopping with my mom and this girl, who worked at the store we were in, had an awesome outfit and her make up was perfect. Her cateye was ... just absolutely perfect, and that is enviable of course because the perfect cateye is every woman's dream, right? She had a grey printed mini dress, hunter green tights, tall black michael kohrs boots (they were beautiful) and a charcoal fitted blazer. The green tights just tied it all together, I need to get my hands on a pair. It was the perfect punch of color. You should get some too, we need them.
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 8:27 AM 1 comments
Labels: Bee Charming, Eliza J, Fashion, polyvore, Steve Madden, style
Christmas Decoration Inspiration '13
1. I love this tree skirt, it completely unique and a little quirky.
2. I was originally leaning towards burlap stockings, but I love the punch of red in these.
3. Love the gold and the different textures in these votives, perfect nestled in the greenery on my mantle.
4. A Harry Potter ornament perfect for a Harry Potter lover like me. Its going to be my new favorite ornament.
***bonus, I am itching to try a tip I recently heard from an interior designer friend.. you put a string of white lights further in the tree towards the trunk, and then you wrap the colored (or this awesome red, white, and clear string of lights) around the tree where you would normally put the lights. Voila, you have one vibrant tree!
I am linking up for Four Favorites with Let it be Beautiful and Fancy Things.
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 8:07 PM 2 comments
Labels: home, home decor, interior, interior decorating, interior design, interiors, polyvore
Links I am Loving
These holiday styles are perfect for the two wedding we have on the docket this month.
Finally, how to make those awesome bows everyone has on their trees and wreaths this time of year.
Can't wait to make this Lentil soup but use our leftover turkey in the freezer.
One of my favorite bloggers is speaking truth that all those who read blogs need to hear.
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 8:03 AM 1 comments
High Five for Friday
1. This week I had my first Trader Joes Experience, and it was absolutely glorious. I am drinking their Sipping Chocolate as I type and I am in love.
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 9:40 AM 0 comments
One of those mornings..
This is what I walked out with, plus some salmon and ravioli that were already in the fridge at this point.
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Four Favorites for Winter

1. Lately, I have felt naked with out lip color, be that gloss, lipstick, lip liner/chapstick combo or whatever. Just can't do it. Since I began working part time at a make up counter, I can't help but notice what a little bit of lip color does for your whole face, its like magic I tell you! It makes such a difference! I have especially been loving the rich berry tones this winter.
2. As soon as I find a good hair stylist in the Greensboro area I am going to get my hair dyed this color or something similar. I've been thinking about dying my hair red ever since the weather started getting colder. Consequently, I have been on a pinning rampage of beautiful redheaded women whose hair I envy. Which only further solidifies my need for red hair, it's a vicious cycle really.
3. This quote is so great, I am claiming it for winter. Seriously. I am thinking of ordering the print and hanging it above my desk to remind me. Plus, Oprah said it... and that woman definitely had the courage and darn it if she hasn't accomplished a hell of a lot! Color me humbled.
4. Seriously obsessed with all things knit and white, be that hats, infinity scarves, blankets, or sweaters. Just can't get enough of them.
This week I am linking up with Ashlyn at Let It Be Beautiful for the Four Favorites series. You should definitely click on over and check it out!

Posted by Alexis Noelle at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dorothy Perkins, Fashion, polyvore, style
Christmas List 2013
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 5:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Butter London, Clinique, Estée Lauder, Fashion, Forever 21, GUESS, polyvore, Sole Society, style, Uniqlo, Voluspa
My Fall Uniform

Woman Crush Wednesday
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 5:29 AM 0 comments
Office Inspo
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 11:51 AM 1 comments
A Recap

I went on a couple month blogging haitus but I am back. In the last few months we settled into our new apartment, Phil came home from training after making the commandants list (so proud!), our Luna has grown like a weed and is now looking more dog than puppy, we spent 10 days in Ireland with my family for a family reunion, we've both been continuing our job hunt, AND due to the government shut down in October Phil's deployment was cancelled! I am absolutely over the moon that my husband won't be leaving me in December for a year deployment to Afghanistan! I cannot even tell you how happy I am! So many of our plans have changed, BUT thats really okay because he isn't going to Afghanistan!
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 6:18 AM 0 comments
Welcome to the Family Luna!
Blog meet Luna, Luna meet blog. I am sure you will be great friends, because who couldn't adore this little face. I picked my little girl up on Saturday and she slept in my lap for the whole hour drive home. I quickly realized she had fleas and a couple ticks from being kept outside. So when we got home I bathed her multiple times, combing her with a flea comb and and getting rid of the ticks. But she is finally tick free and much happier for it me thinks.
I can't wait for Phil to get home from training so he can meet her, I know he will be just as in love with our little furbaby as I am.
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 5:56 AM 1 comments
High Five for Friday
1. My sweet friends Anna and Gabe became man and wife on Sunday! It was such a beautiful ceremony!
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 5:28 AM 0 comments
The Beginning
Well folks, it has begun... Phil left for Sergeant school, a three week program in South Carolina. Its pretty neat because he is up for a promotion, so I am really proud of him. However, this is also the BEGINNING.. the beginning of the time that I hadn't let myself think about the last four months. The beginning of the year and a half period that will mean an on and off long distance marriage. He is gone some in August, gone some in October, and then gone in December for potentially an entire year! I haven't let myself think about this, because there was no point worrying or obsessing about something I couldn't change. I forced myself to live in the moment and enjoy the time I have with my sweet guy.
But now that the reality of this life stage has hit me, I have got to say I am reeling a little bit. It is REAL, he is going to be in Afghanistan and away from me for a while. Which is HARD! But moving back to my hometown has already been such a blessing, I know I am going to be fine. I know we are going to be fine, and I am trusting in the Lord that he will be fine.
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 7:33 AM 0 comments
California lovin'
We have been having the best time in California this week, and I am SO sad that today is our last full day. Its been so fun getting to share the husband with all my family and watch him interact and them just love him. My cousin's wedding was beautiful and I had so much fun watching him dance with my aunt and laugh with my cousins. It's been a blast to watch him see and explore this new place. He has never been to California, and my whole family has had the best time showing him all of our favorite places. He has been like a kid in a candy shop, and its been so fun for everyone to see his enthusiasm. Its been such a great week and I feel undeniably blessed, by my family and my husband. Its so hard to say goodbye to everyone, but knowing that I will see them next month for the next family wedding makes it a little easier.
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 8:25 AM 0 comments
High Five for Friday
Linking with Lauren in this week for High Five for Friday!
1. Wednesday was Phil's and my first time flying on a plane together! It was a long day of travel but we had fun.
2. My favorite travel tradition (especially if I am flying alone) is to get a cup of Starbucks and a magazine I wouldn't normally splurge on while I wait for the flight.
3. We are staying at a house we rented with some of my extended family and it been so great to spend time with them.
4. We explored the city yesterday, and Phil was so excited to see al the sights in San Francisco.
5. Per family tradition, we try to go to a major league baseball game in whatever big city we are visiting. So last night we of course caught a giants game! And another uncle and cousin met up with us at the game!
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Travel Day
It's travel day for us! So stinking excited to see all my sweet family, see a few favorite cities, and of course celebrate one of my sweet cousin's wedding. We are waking up early this morning (read 3am) and heading to Raleigh to catch a flight to Las Vegas and then on to San Francisco! It's going to be a long day but I couldn't be happier about it!
P.S. It's also Phil's first time this far West, and his fourth or fifth time flying. It will be fun to see it all through his eyes this trip.
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 4:14 AM 0 comments
Happy Father's Day
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 6:04 PM 0 comments
High Five for Friday
2. I joined the gym my husband has been going to because I am trying to get back in shape and just plain old healthy. (Also I have brought a salad and a piece of fruit everyday for lunch this week. Proud.)
3. My sweet co-worker gave me a gift of a Mary Kay lipstick and gloss, which was so sweet. And even better the proceeds went to help victims of the Oklahoma tornados. How neat! Beauty products and philinthropy, love it!
4. Coffee, I think coffee is probably a highlight of every week for me. BUT yesterday I went to Panera on my way to work and I was given a FREE large coffee!
5. One night this week we drove down the mountain to have dinner with one of my husband's army buddies and his family. It was such a fun time, and us ladies had cocktails (pearl diver anyone?) and we got to watch cable! (oh the little things in life)
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 6:23 AM 1 comments
A bridal shower extravaganza weekend
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 9:09 AM 1 comments
Wedding Season

Well folks we are definitely in "Wedding Season" which of course means new dresses. There are showers, rehearsal dinners, and weddings to attend in the next few months and I've been on the hunt for a couple new dresses to include into the rotation. Here are a few that I am just loving. I am driving back to my hometown this weekend in fact with three bridal showers on the docket, which should be so so fun! Its so exciting to be a part of my friend's very own celebrations. It is such a joyful, hopeful, and exciting time for my sweet friends!
I know I've said this already but... I still can't believe that a year ago we were in the midst of celebrating and preparing for our own July wedding!
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 4:36 AM 0 comments
Reflection: Memorial Day
My sweet husband stood up, and I had to blink back tears. I couldn't be more proud of him and his sense of honor and duty. This is my first Memorial day as the wife of a soldier, one who will be deployed by the end of the year no less. The 'holiday' took on a completely new meaning for me, this weekend used to be a lake weekend or the weekend that the neighborhood pool opened up for the first time. But now it's different, I understand, my heart goes out to all those who have lost their spouses, siblings parents, and friends in the line of duty. My heart breaks with you. And my anxious heart worries selfishly for my own serviceman, it worries about what future Memorial Days will mean to me. But then I remember that is not a road I need to let my heart and mind go down. There is no sense in worrying about what I cannot control. I have to have faith, and enjoy every second I have with my soldier over the next six months.
Posted by Alexis Noelle at 7:38 AM 0 comments