
High five for Friday

Wahooo it's Friday! My boss has been out of town all week leaving me to myself in the office making for a rather slow week. Five things I am thankful for today for High Five its Friday over at the Lauren Elizabeth

1.) Today after work my
friend Katelyn and I are going to Charleston, SC for a lightning fast trip to see Erika! So excited!!

2.) Finding new sandals from Steve Madden that look almost exactly like my much loved pair that had to be thrown out last summer.

3.) Kuerig in the office, already changing my life daily.

4.) Abeautiful drive to and back from work everyday, which also gives me the opportunity to catch up with loved ones on the phone.

5. A few more babysitting sessions with this sweetie before her family moves away. Going to miss our sweet time together!

Hope you all have a beyond lovely weekend!

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hey there!

Welcome to my little blog, my name is Alexis and I recently got to marry that handsome guy you see in the photo. I am so excited to share our life with you! Here's a quick glimpse of me in a handful of words.

Eater of Mexican food. 
Recipe Collector. 
Beloved by Him. 
Lover of Beauty.
Estee Lauder Convert.
Army Wife.